Cool Dark Blue Pointer Glitter
Cool Dark Blue Pointer Glitter

Friday, November 9, 2012


As a teacher of course they have a duty to teach, guide, and educate his students in order to be a successful future. but when teachers teach there are some things they should consider one of them is a method of learning that they use much less to learn the English language subjects. Just pick one method of learning, students will feel bored and can not concentrate well. especially if the teacher is only teaching by reading what is in the textbooks taught without any explanation about the material being taught. the students would want to learn a fun atmosphere but still concentrate on the material to be taught by the teacher. therefore, the game can also be one method of learning for students most especially for students who are still at the initial level.

So this time, I will provide some references games for teaching English. Hopefully 10 games could be useful for teachers as a part of the teaching and learning activities.

1.   Bang Bang - A Vocabulary Game
       Level: Easy
       Divide the group into two teams. Explain that they are cowboys and they are involved in a duel. One student from each team comes to the front. Get them to pretend to draw their pistols. Say "how do you say..." and a word in their mother tongue. The first child to give the answer and then "bang bang", pretending to shoot his opponent is the winner. He remains standing and the other one sits down. I give 1 point for the right answer and 5 extra points if they manage to "kill" 4 opponents in a row.
      Editor's Note: Instead of saying the word in the students' mother tongue, it would be possible to use a picture or to say a definition ("What do you call the large gray animal with a long nose?")

2.   Describing Appearances & Characteristics of People                               
       Level: Easy to Medium (Low to low intermediate)
       Each student is then give one sheet of paper.  One student sits at the front of a room.  He/she describes a person and the rest of the class draws the person being described.
       It is more interesting if the person being described is known by everyone. Once the student has finished describing that person then he/she reveals who it is and each student shows his/her drawing. The laughter from this is hilarious as the impressions tend to make the character in question look funny.
It is a good idea to encourage students to ask the interviewee student questions about who they are describing.

3.   Sentence Race
       Level: Any Level
      A good game for large classes and for reviewing vocabulary lessons.
  1. Prepare a list of review vocabulary words.
  2. Write each word on two small pieces of paper. That means writing the word twice, once on each paper.
  3. Organize the pieces like bundles, 2 bundles, 2 sets of identical words.
  4. Divide the class into 2 teams. get them to make creative team names.
  5. Distribute each list of words to both teams. every student on each team should have a paper.  Both teams have the same words.
  6. When you call a word, 2 students should stand up, one from each team. The students must then run to the blackboard and race to write a sentence using their word.
      The winner is the one with a correct and clearly written sentence.
      This is always a hit with kids. For more advanced students, use tougher words.

4.  Secret Code
      Level: Any Level
      I sometimes give instructions to my students written in code that they have to interpret before completing tasks. I've used this at various levels:
Here's an example: to revise alphabet and simple present verbs/vocab.
  • Tell students the code e.g. each code letter represents the letter that comes before it in the alphabet a is b, m is n, 'dbu' is cat etc.
  • Then they decode their message and do the task:
    • xbml up uif cpbse - walk to the board
    • kvnq ufo ujnft - jump ten times
To make it more difficult, I've ...
  • used more complex codes,
  • let them work the code out for themselves,
  • have not defined where words end,
  • have given more complicated tasks or vocabulary
  • or given them half an instruction which they must decode and then find the classmate with the other half of their task information.
This activity can be used to review or practise vocabulary or structure or simply be a different way to introduce the topic for the day's class -- each student gets one or two words to decode and then the class work to put all the words together.

5.   Crazy Story
       Level: Any Level
       This is an activity that will make your students speak in class and be creative.
  • Ask students to write a word on a piece of paper and tell them not to show anyone. This word should be a verb (or whatever you'd like to review).
  • The teacher starts telling a story, then stops and chooses a student.
  • That student will continue the story and must use his/her word. This student then chooses the next student to continue the story.
  • The last student must end the story.
  • After the story is over, the students then try to guess what words each student has written on his/her paper. The student who guesses the most words wins the game.
It is becomes a good game to increasing student to speak.

6.   Who Am I?
       Level: Any Level
      You can use use this with any subject. Write the names of famous people (mixed nationalities) on small pieces of paper. Tape a name on the forehead of each student. The individual student should not see his or her paper, but the others should. Then, like with 20 questions, only yes or no questions should be asked. Perhaps start with yourself and ask "Am I am man?" If the answer is yes, I can ask again, but if the answer is no, it's the next person's turn. Play until everyone has guessed who he or she is! This can be played with nationalities, countries, household objects, anything and it's a gas, especially for adult students!!
7.   "Tic Tac Toe" or "Noughts and Crosses"
       Level: Any Level
       This is a good game for a revision or for a reader's discussion. Divide the class into two groups. Draw a grid of nine squares on the board and write a number on each square (from 1 to 9). Prepare nine questions and set one question for each number. The groups call out the numbers and if they answer the question correctly, they get the point. The goal of the game is to make a line (either horizontal, vertical or diagonal).

8.   Karaoke
       Level: Difficult -for larger classes
       Preparation: choose songs that are easy to understand and somewhat enjoyable.
       1. Divide the students up into groups of 4-5 people.
       2. Give each group a different song. Have them figure out all the words to the song. Make sure that not just one person is doing the work, but that it is a group effort.
       3. Give them the entire class (one hour) to work on it. Next class, have them return to their groups to practice one time.
       4. You then have the group as a whole, stand up and sing along with the recording.

      -this is fun for the students if they all participate and work together.
      -choose both popular and silly songs to keep their attention and interest

9.  Can You Find What Is Different?
      Level: Easy
      Ask a volunteer to go out of the classroom. While the student is out of the room, the other students change their sweaters, shoes, coats and so on. Bring the student who went out of the classroom back inside. He/she has to guess the differences (speaking in English, of course.)
10. Find Parts of Speech of Words in a Sentence
       Level: Any Level
  • Prepaire cards with parts of speech. Give these to your students.
  • Write the sentences on the board.
  • Ask your studnets to find parts of speech of words in the sentences.
  • You can divide the class into teams to make the games more fun.
      Example: Your sentence:
   I        WENT       TO       SCHOOL   YESTERDAY.   
   pronoun   verb   preposition    noun     noun

If you want more games or no games that fit with your class, you can visit this site

Good Luck and Have a fun class!! (^_^)//

Kelompok 3:
1. Intan Margaretha
2. Mona Labobar
3. Virginia Poluan
4. Jeane Tampatonda
Tidak aktif:
5. Sheila Repi
6. Sternando Kolibu
7. Gideon Mumu  

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